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In the first launch attempt in February 1969, an engine fire caused the rocket to shut down and crash a minute after lift-off.

The second test, in July 1969, was a greater disaster. The rocket shut down seconds after lift-off, fell onto the launch pad, and exploded. This accident destroyed the launch site and any hope that the Soviets could reach the Moon ahead of the United States.

Three weeks later, the crew of Apollo 11 landed on the Moon.

Courtesy of RSC Energia

 N-1 launch attempt
63 k jpeg

Mishin's diaries include these sketches of the first stage engines, showing how the automatic engine control system failed in the devastating July 1969 test launch.

Courtesy of The Perot Foundation

Pages from 1969 Mishin notebook
183 k jpeg

A U.S. Corona reconnaissance satellite took this picture of the demolished Soviet launch site after the July 1969 N-1 launch attempt.

Courtesy of the Central Intelligence Agency and the National Reconnaissance Office

Corona view of N-1 launch site
129 k jpeg
NARA#: 14,RG 263

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